Red Botswana and Dendritic Agate Mala

$ 120.00

Description: 8mm Red Botswana Agate, faceted, star-cut Madagascar Dendritic Agate; 6mm Red Botswana Agate, faceted, star-cut Madagascar Dendritic Agate, rose gold crystals and 16mm copper "disco ball" guru with cinnamon brown sutra and tassel. This hand-knotted mala measures 20.5" from the top bead to tassel tip.

Intention:  Face fresh starts and new beginnings with grace and confidence with this earthy and spunky mala. Grounding and protective, this mala also fosters passion, courage, vitality, joy, and harmony. Bring new life and balance to your personal practice with this one-of-a-kind mala design.  

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